Friday, September 19, 2008

The Kitchen Help

Bribe my kids? Who me? YES - I am not above bribing my children and they have long since learned that those who work in the kitchen with Mom are well rewarded. The rewards - licking the bowl, the beaters, ...........................

.......................... or the floor?

I know I may be crazy - but that is the name of the game right?! I really do love having my kids in the kitchen, it brings a whole new level of excitement to cooking. I love to watch them try to crack eggs and be thrilled to dump the flour in and be the one to turn on the mixer. I am a very visual cook (Chris has called it messy), I just like to see everything I am working with. So adding a little more chaos to the mix just makes me happy. When the kitchen is messy - it means we are eatin' good. And that is how I bribe the Mister to help with the clean up:)


As we are cruising down the bike isle in Target, we pass the rollerblades (whatever happened to those anyway - they were all the rage when I was a youngin' - are they not cool anymore?)

Crazy #3 says:

"Mom look at these cool skateboard boots!"


Beck said...

That is so cute! Your an awesome Mom. I love that she was licking the floor :)

And yes roller blades are the bomb. I still have mine. We should go next Spring and see how many honks we get! haha!

nevadanista said...

What a priceless photo of #3 licking the floor! And that's excellent for building her immunities, you know ;-)

Whitaker Family said...

What that was #3 licking the floor? they are so big. What a cute little funny of the day.