Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Whole New World

I have finally entered the blogging world after teetering on the edge for quite some time. A big thanks to Becky for the push (or should I say shove over the edge:) I am hoping that this will help me be a little better about documenting the "goings on" of this crazy crew.


Crazy 2: "Mom, have you ever been to Hawaii?"

Crazy Mama: " Ya- I went with your Dad on our honeymoon."

Crazy 2: "What is a honeymoon?"

Crazy Mama: (wondering what I have gotten myself into) "Its a vacation you take after you get married." (praying this will satisfy)

Crazy 2: "Oh, maybe I will go to Hawaii on my honeymoon!"

Crazy Mama: "That would be fun" (throwing up prayers of thanks for seeming avoiding that one)

Crazy 2:" No, you know what - I am going to go to Boondocks - ya that will be awesome!"


nevadanista said...

YES!!! Another blog to stalk :) Yay :)

Crazy 2's wife is in for a sweet honeymoon!

Beck said...

Im so excited your a blogger now!!! Woo Hoo! Thanks to my gift of persuasion :)

Your blog is so cute you did such a good job!

Harlene said...

I can finally stalk you with out leaving home!

BTW, where are you?

Iverson Family said...

Hey Trisha,

I saw your blog on Harlene's. I hope to see more updates on your cute kids! How is it going in Utah?? Cute blog, hope to see more! Hope it is ok that I add you to mine, so we can keep in touch!

Lindsay Iverson

healthyfix said...

I wish I knew about the boondocks option way back then....