Friday, September 26, 2008


After climbing into the back of the car via the front seat - leaving the front passenger door WIDE open:

Mom: "Hey Crazy 3, can you shut the door?"
Crazy 3: "Leave it open. "
Mom: "How are we going to go like that?"
Crazy 3: "Fly."
Mom: "Fly?"
Crazy 3: (Completely serious) "Yeah - open your door and use the wings."

I'll give him points for creativity!!


healthyfix said...

Why don't you take flight and come pick me up in Canada eh?

nevadanista said...

Crazy 3 is pretty clever!

Harlene said...

I love it!

BTW, where are you?

Whitaker Family said...

that is so funny! I wish my car would fly with the doors open.

J-Lo said...

How did I not know you had a blog until now??? Love the code names!

Sheri Willardson said...

Oh, I love that kid. He is so cute.

Unknown said...

That would be sweet if the car could fly. Such a boy thought too. I love it.
Love the blog too...
Good to see you here trish!! Smile