Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Beckstrand Moment

A few weeks ago, I had an unforgettable Sabbath experience that needs to be documented. The amount of crazy that occurs on our bench during a normal sacrament meeting is rather high. My cute hubby and I have been trying to come up with different ways to try and decrease the amount of crazy, thus decreasing the amount of frustration we end up leaving church with. I'm not sure which one of us came up with the idea of sitting at the front of sacrament, but it seemed like a good idea (in that reverse psychology kind of way), and we were both in.

As we arrived at church that day, I had shared with my hubby the fact that I would be leaving after the first meeting with Crazy 4 because he didn't seem to be feeling well. Well, after about half an hour of wrestling, an older Crazy turned to me and said," I don't feel well, I think I need to go home-I am going to go to the bathroom." Thinking this was all a clever ploy to get in on the early ride home - I sent her to the bathroom and told her we would talk about it at the end of the meeting. A minute later, as the action on the bench was really starting to get out of hand, I decided to take Crazy 4 and make my exit.

About halfway to the doors of the Chapel (mind you we were at the front) I noticed something nasty on the floor - a trail of it actually, leading all the way to the doors of the Chapel. When a friend looked at me and whispered "Is she OK?" It dawned on me that the older Crazy really wasn't feeling well and that it was her lunch that was now strewn along the carpet of the chapel.

As I quickly exited the chapel, I looked up to see the trail continue all the way down the hall to the doors of the bathroom. It was then that it hit me that I was having a Beckstrand moment, and I had to smile -knowing that I was in good company!!


Beck said...

That story is great! Love the details :)

nevadanista said...

Oh my. I'm going to have to remember to walk ahead, not behind, of both of your families. Poor Crazy 1!

Harlene said...

You'll be glad to know that all 7 of us make to the bathroom these days.

I hope it doesn't make the rounds through all of you.

jamirodana said...

Oh how sad! I hope you all are feeling better. I'm glad you have a blog. Cute pics of fam. on the side too!
I'll see you soon.

Carol and Tyler said...

oh my! Yes, I'm very glad you started blogging. Too many great stories to pass up!

Sheri Willardson said...

So, I found your blog after Rachel blogged about you...all I can say is YAY!!! I am so glad you joined the secret society of blogging :)
It is a great way to keep in touch.

And great story! Your kids are adorable- I can totally relate to the craziness. Can't wait to hear more stories!

Whitaker Family said...

Oh my gosh, I have wondered for so long if you had a blog so i could keep in touch and what do you know i found it !!!!!!YEAH!!!! how are you guys, we miss you here in reno. so yeah that is a crazy sacrament meeting!
the kids are adorable!

Sunny said...

Hey! I love how you write! I found you through Becky, so I just thought I'd stop in to say hi!