Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Crazy #3 had decided it is time to be a big girl and start going in the big girl potty. So, for the majority of the day she has been going Bohemian style. The kicker is that she literally can not go unless she has complete privacy ( a courtesy that she doesn't always like extending to others.)

I had been doing the traditional clapping and getting excited each time she made it and the third time, after she finished she looks at me and says,"don't- don't hug me mom". Could it be that my enthusiasm about the subject is not so appreciated? Come on, what two year old wouldn't be thrilled at the prospect of having to buy diapers for just one instead of two?!

(I just blogged about potty training -sorry, things aren't lookin' good for my career as a blogger:)


Crazy#2: "Mom, Tyler and Nicole in my class are in love. He sits at the red table and she sits at the yellow table. They switched papers so they are in love."

Mom: "No way- are you in love with anyone?" (enquiring minds want to know)

Crazy #2: "No way!!"

Crazy #3: "Ust kissss um, Weed" (translation - Just Kiss Them Reed- We are going to have to watch out for that one:)


Harlene said...

Did I ever tell you about potty training cool dude #2? I asked what he would like to be his potty treat, He replied, "Oatmeal". I am nothing if not accomadating, so I made him a boewl of oatmeal for his efforts-each and every ti,e. By day 3 I found him hiding and peeing in the living room. I shouted "What on earth are you doing in here? You were doing so good, seetie!" "Please mommy, I can't eat anymore oatmeal, I don't want to use a potty anymore!"

Gotta love'em.

Barbaloot said...

I'm so excited to see you (and your kids) on here! And, I still thought skateboard boots were cool...maybe I'll have to get mine out again and see if I am any good.

Sheri Willardson said...

I think we have all blogged about potty training experiences-they are just too funny to pass up! I think your career as a blogger is looking good-I know I've been laughing! :)

I can't believe #3 is that old...Has it really been that long since we have seen you guys?