So Thursday night my friend Tricia (I know- we both turn around all the time when someone is talking to one of us) and I decided to take the kids for a night out. We went down to Provo and went on the Halloween Cruise which was cute (I'm not sure that is exactly what you want out of a HALLOWEEN Cruise, but what are you going to do.) We saw lots of lighted pumpkins as we cruised up and down a small stretch of the Provo River and then were boarded by a Pirate who handed out candy and heard Halloween stories. Albeit short, the kids really liked it.
After our adventure, we headed up to the BYU creamery on 9th for some good eats. We all picked our pleasure (root beer freeze being my current obsession), added some fries and fry sauce for good measure and sat down to enjoy . So, the kids were sitting at there own table and being somewhat "goofy", as kids will. We were happily visiting, when a cute and somewhat timid BYU Creamery Employee approached the table (She must have drawn the short straw in the back).
"We have had a few complaints about the behavior of the kids............Could you quiet them down or..............(she never really finished the sentence, but she didn't have to)". I was in shock- I have never been asked to leave anywhere!
First of all, we were in Cougar Town - the land of the large family where kids freely roam.
Second, its BYU- it seemed to me a moral contradiction.
Third, the family in the booth next to where Crazy #3 an her prince Porter were jumping off the edge really needed some livening up anyway :)
Forth, what do they expect out of 7 children under the age of 7 who THEY just knowingly sold sugary delights and are way past a reasonable bed time? If they have a problem with the behavior, they should not serve minors after a certain hour - take some responsibility - HELLO!!
Fifth, it seems to me that it could have been viewed as free entertainment and who in Utah County doesn't love FREE entertainment? (I can safely say that because I am a resident)
Could it be that my motherly tolerance has actually reached an normal humans intolerable level? Na - we'll just be chalkin that one up as a fluke:)