Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

I am a little behind on the blogging, so allow me to digress for a moment.

The great pumpkin carving. This has always been one of my favs - I have always loved pulling the gooey mess out of the pumpkin. It feels so weird. How is it that not one of my kids enjoys the same thing (look how happy Crazy #2 looks about putting his hand in there for the picture). As much as I tried, they could not see the joy in it - and I ended up pulling out pumpkin guts for all. Oh well - more for me:)

Daily Funny:

Crazy #2 - "Mom, why are we killing these pumpkins?"

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happiness on a Stick

Seriously - Carmel, surrounded by white chocolate, dipped in cinnamon sugar. This was a slice of heaven. And even though I know I probably should have, I didn't share any of it - unless you count the little nibble mysteriously taken out of the side while I wasn't around. I am partial to apple anything (cobbler, pie, ect.), but when it comes to carmel apples I count myself as somewhat of a connoisseur. I have made the drive from Reno to Truckee just to pick one up. There is this old candy shop on Main Street and they know how to do a good carmel apple - now that I think of it, ironically the old candy shop is the place where I first told Mr. Sanity that I loved him. Good times, good times.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The things I have been learning

So I am just finishing up a two week stint during which my husband has been traveling for business. While he has been gone there have been many adventures and I have learned many things, just a few of which are:

Cell phones are very handy when stuck on the side of the Freeway with two sleeping kids in a down pour.

Emerson is HIGHLY ( I mean eppy pen, "Hitch" like) allergic to bunnies.

When Reed says that he is sick, he probably means it - not a good idea to take him into the grocery store with all four kids where he could, say, puke all over the candy isle (bringing a new meaning to clean up on Isle 3).

Cell phone batteries must remain full at all times. You would never want to get stuck on the side of the Freeway (again) with all four kids in their pajamas with NO cell phone battery.

I love my husband now, today, more than I ever have before.

I love the support he gives me, even when he is miles away.

I am not ashamed, not one bit, to make an airport scene :)

I've missed him!!!

Kicked Out - Seriously?!

So Thursday night my friend Tricia (I know- we both turn around all the time when someone is talking to one of us) and I decided to take the kids for a night out. We went down to Provo and went on the Halloween Cruise which was cute (I'm not sure that is exactly what you want out of a HALLOWEEN Cruise, but what are you going to do.) We saw lots of lighted pumpkins as we cruised up and down a small stretch of the Provo River and then were boarded by a Pirate who handed out candy and heard Halloween stories. Albeit short, the kids really liked it.

After our adventure, we headed up to the BYU creamery on 9th for some good eats. We all picked our pleasure (root beer freeze being my current obsession), added some fries and fry sauce for good measure and sat down to enjoy . So, the kids were sitting at there own table and being somewhat "goofy", as kids will. We were happily visiting, when a cute and somewhat timid BYU Creamery Employee approached the table (She must have drawn the short straw in the back).

"We have had a few complaints about the behavior of the kids............Could you quiet them down or..............(she never really finished the sentence, but she didn't have to)". I was in shock- I have never been asked to leave anywhere!

First of all, we were in Cougar Town - the land of the large family where kids freely roam.
Second, its BYU- it seemed to me a moral contradiction.

Third, the family in the booth next to where Crazy #3 an her prince Porter were jumping off the edge really needed some livening up anyway :)

Forth, what do they expect out of 7 children under the age of 7 who THEY just knowingly sold sugary delights and are way past a reasonable bed time? If they have a problem with the behavior, they should not serve minors after a certain hour - take some responsibility - HELLO!!

Fifth, it seems to me that it could have been viewed as free entertainment and who in Utah County doesn't love FREE entertainment? (I can safely say that because I am a resident)

Could it be that my motherly tolerance has actually reached an normal humans intolerable level? Na - we'll just be chalkin that one up as a fluke:)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

We were made for Crazy Hair Day! Luckily Crazy #1 let me go to work on her hair - we went for a green "Cindy Lew Hew" look. Interestingly enough Crazy #2 doesn't like Crazy Hair day? Really! I wasn't sure what to do with that, but in the spirit of letting the kids be themselves - let him go to school as is. (Does anyone know how to turn pictures?)

Daily Funny:

Crazy #3 is sitting behind me in the car and I hear her talking in an ever so sweet, high voice saying:

"Binky - Where are you? Where are you Binky? I need you in my mouth!"

PS - Katie - where are you? SO good to hear from you!! Congrats on Baby #2. Girl or Boy?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go Cougs!

There is nothing quite like Cougar Football in the fall! I love it - not so much the football (now don't get me wrong, the cougs are near and dear), but the crisp fall weather, the changing leaves on Y mountain, the good company ( I married into the season tickets which the Dayton boys have had since they were wee ones), and the NACHOS. Nachos just seem to taste better when you have them at a football game, am I right?

I took Crazy 1 with me to the game. While I eat my nachos, she and her cousin comrades try to see how many people they can get to give them "five" while passing our seats.

They are no respecter of persons - they will take anyone who will give them they time of day, the band, the camera crew, the water boys, the press folks, the parents of players, and even those cute "security" people who "hold the line" after the game to prevent anyone from coming on the field.

The total for this game 36.

Go Cougs!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Village

They say it takes a village to raise a child. And I just have to say - I really like my village.

My village has people who are always checking in on me, who invite me and my crazy crew over to dinner knowing I have had a long day (even though they just had a baby and I should be fixing them dinner), who pull my weeds, who bring by funny books to help me pass the time at night and keep me laughing, who (even though running late themselves) run back into the house to bring Hot Tamales to the movies because they remember that I love them with the movie popcorn.

My village is filled with people who call and schedule fun lunches (and Birthday dinners), who care, who leave incredible Boo baskets on your front door (which just happened to brighten the worst day I have had in a long time!!), who offer to watch the kids so often that I can't refuse, who randomly drop off brownies and cookies, who seem to call at just the right time.

My village is full of people who are constantly taking care of each other, who are thoughtful, who I know I can count on and who I wouldn't want to live without!!

I feel VERY grateful for you ( you know who you are)!!

The Art of Weeny Roasting

Not an art you say - anyone who has had a warm on the outside, cold in the middle, ash coated dog may disagree. Last night we joined the fam at Grandpas Ranch for a little Harvest Party, which included fun like picking pumpkins, digging for carrots and potatoes, a little lesson on the law of the harvest and none other than roasting dogs for dinner (which prompted the thoughts on the art of the weeny roast).

Now I think it all begins with choosing the right roasting tool. You have to get just the right length stick- long enough that you don't singe the eyebrows or burn the face while turning the dog and short enough that you maintain control during turning (as to avoid a dip in the oh so tasty ash).

Next comes placement. You have to find the sweet spot in the fire - you know the one - where the coals are nice and hot and there is enough space to get the whole dog in, so you don't cook just the end (makes for a cold last half of dinner).

Then comes the "Turn". I find that continual turnage is best, but killer on the wrist. Resting for no longer than 5-8 seconds in any one position works well too.

When the dog has reached just the right shade of brown, you will know that you have achieved roasting perfection!! Congratulations!!

A few Pictures of the Harvest Party:

Who knew that carrots actually look like this- I thought they only came in baby carrot size!!

A Little FHE on the Law of the Harvest

The Crew