Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

We were made for Crazy Hair Day! Luckily Crazy #1 let me go to work on her hair - we went for a green "Cindy Lew Hew" look. Interestingly enough Crazy #2 doesn't like Crazy Hair day? Really! I wasn't sure what to do with that, but in the spirit of letting the kids be themselves - let him go to school as is. (Does anyone know how to turn pictures?)

Daily Funny:

Crazy #3 is sitting behind me in the car and I hear her talking in an ever so sweet, high voice saying:

"Binky - Where are you? Where are you Binky? I need you in my mouth!"

PS - Katie - where are you? SO good to hear from you!! Congrats on Baby #2. Girl or Boy?


Carina said...

So fun, I need lessons on doing girl hair!

nevadanista said...

"Binky - Where are you? Where are you Binky? I need you in my mouth!"

I laughed out loud for real!

You'll have to re-post your pictures after you turn them with whatever photo program you use. If you have a PC, open them with windows picture and fax viewer, and you can do with that. If you right click on your photos, it should say "open with", and you can choose it that way.

jamirodana said...

My boys won't even let me do a "faux hawk" on them. They are already worried about the way they look. Lame.

Barbaloot said...

Love the crazy hair! And also-it was fun to have Freddy last night. Hope the Halloween cruise wasn't too scary:)

J-Lo said...

Nice hair on Crazy 1! I turn my pics in the "My Pictures" folder when I upload them from my camera using the little arrow icons under the pic preview. As far as I know, you can't rotate them in Blogger.

Lori said...

How are you guys doing? We are in Utah for the month of October and seem to remember you live near my mom in the tree streets? We are back during Oct for Tim's treatments at Huntsman...see I know Tim (and I) would love to catch up so through us back a comment and maybe we can catch up with you sometime.

Beck said...

After you download the pics to your computer when they are in your photo prgoram you right click it and it will have an option "rotate counterclockwise" or "rotate clockwise" and then it saves it like that for you.

You did a great job on her hair!