Saturday, October 18, 2008

The things I have been learning

So I am just finishing up a two week stint during which my husband has been traveling for business. While he has been gone there have been many adventures and I have learned many things, just a few of which are:

Cell phones are very handy when stuck on the side of the Freeway with two sleeping kids in a down pour.

Emerson is HIGHLY ( I mean eppy pen, "Hitch" like) allergic to bunnies.

When Reed says that he is sick, he probably means it - not a good idea to take him into the grocery store with all four kids where he could, say, puke all over the candy isle (bringing a new meaning to clean up on Isle 3).

Cell phone batteries must remain full at all times. You would never want to get stuck on the side of the Freeway (again) with all four kids in their pajamas with NO cell phone battery.

I love my husband now, today, more than I ever have before.

I love the support he gives me, even when he is miles away.

I am not ashamed, not one bit, to make an airport scene :)

I've missed him!!!


nevadanista said...

Oh, the airport scene is gonna be just like the movies!!! Yay! Que the music...

Unknown said...

I so get it sista! Believe it or not, I really look back on your stage with only happy memories.

...until I read some of your experiences, then I need a nap;)

Unknown said...

Ok, I have no idea why it keeps logging me in as sheila,
but it's Harlene.

Barbaloot said...

Hooray for airport scenes! Sorry about the kids feeling sick, too. And the getting stuck on the highway. And the allergies. And the cell phone. Good grief-I'm glad you're still alive!

J-Lo said...

You forgot to mention getting kicked out of the creamery. I think that's my personal favorite "while Chris was gone" lesson:)

Halie said...

Hi Trish! I found your blog through Maggie's- hope you don't mind that I checked it out. I just wrote about the same thing on my blog- so I hear you...but I only have half as many "crazies"

jamirodana said...

You are strong woman! I couldn't do it without a hubby for two weeks!
So, was there an airport scene? heehee

Sheri Willardson said...

Trish you are such an amazing mom! :)

korona said...

Hi Trisha
I saw your picture on Hallie's blog. How the heck are you? Your family looks great.I think the last time we saw each other was in the parking lot of Costco. Love Leah Fettig

Valarie said...

Oh this reminded me of the days my dad would travel and it seemed as though all heck would break loose on my mom everytime he, I feel for you! You're a tough one though!