There is nothing quite like Cougar Football in the fall! I love it - not so much the football (now don't get me wrong, the cougs are near and dear), but the crisp fall weather, the changing leaves on Y mountain, the good company ( I married into the season tickets which the Dayton boys have had since they were wee ones), and the NACHOS. Nachos just seem to taste better when you have them at a football game, am I right?
I took Crazy 1 with me to the game. While I eat my nachos, she and her cousin comrades try to see how many people they can get to give them "five" while passing our seats.
They are no respecter of persons - they will take anyone who will give them they time of day, the band, the camera crew, the water boys, the press folks, the parents of players, and even those cute "security" people who "hold the line" after the game to prevent anyone from coming on the field.
The total for this game 36.
Go Cougs!
Cute blog! Aren't those games so fun? Sat was sooo cold though, I was glad I wasn't at that game. Your crazy kids are cute. Is crazy 2 feeling better?
As you know, we LOVE cougar football, and we miss going to the games! We have made it to one this year, and it was on Toms birthday when the cougars won 59 to 0(totally worth the 8 hour drive). And I must admit, I too love the nachos. I get one every time we go to a game. Yummy! Just talking about it is making my mouth water. Until we make it out there again, you will have to enjoy the games with us in mind! :)
BTW-you look so good! Love the short hair!
LOVE it. I for sure need one of those high fives next game!
So you're saying you married him for his season tickets? ;-)
I like your hair, and crazy 1's too!
Trish, I just saw your pic on Maggies blog so I clicked on it. You have a beautiful family and I really enjoyed your blogs, I will keep reading them if that is okay!
Drop me a line if you like, I just had Crazy #2:)
Katie- so good to hear from you!! I would love to connect. Do you have a blog?
Sweet seats! A wise man who also happens to be my dad once said, "You can marry more in a minute than you can make in a lifetime!" I guess that's especially relevant when you plan to marry off 5 daughters:)
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