Monday, November 24, 2008
Where have I been?
Actually, we really love where we have landed. We are just a neighborhood over from the last house. The kids' friends are really close and on Saturday, I lost my two oldest to the neighborhood. They ran with a group of kids from one house to the next and loved every minute of it.
That is the way it should be.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Mouthfull
3 cleanings
2 cavities
First set of braces
First lost tooth for Crazy #2
Second lost tooth for Crazy #2 - that's right, he liked the money from the first lost tooth so much he thought it might be a good way to earn money. The next day he worked on the semi wiggly tooth next the the first lost one until it finally relented and came out. We are hoping that the rest hold firm.
(Pics to come)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happiness on a Stick
Seriously - Carmel, surrounded by white chocolate, dipped in cinnamon sugar. This was a slice of heaven. And even though I know I probably should have, I didn't share any of it - unless you count the little nibble mysteriously taken out of the side while I wasn't around. I am partial to apple anything (cobbler, pie, ect.), but when it comes to carmel apples I count myself as somewhat of a connoisseur. I have made the drive from Reno to Truckee just to pick one up. There is this old candy shop on Main Street and they know how to do a good carmel apple - now that I think of it, ironically the old candy shop is the place where I first told Mr. Sanity that I loved him. Good times, good times.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The things I have been learning
Cell phones are very handy when stuck on the side of the Freeway with two sleeping kids in a down pour.
Emerson is HIGHLY ( I mean eppy pen, "Hitch" like) allergic to bunnies.
When Reed says that he is sick, he probably means it - not a good idea to take him into the grocery store with all four kids where he could, say, puke all over the candy isle (bringing a new meaning to clean up on Isle 3).
Cell phone batteries must remain full at all times. You would never want to get stuck on the side of the Freeway (again) with all four kids in their pajamas with NO cell phone battery.
I love my husband now, today, more than I ever have before.
I love the support he gives me, even when he is miles away.
I am not ashamed, not one bit, to make an airport scene :)
I've missed him!!!
Kicked Out - Seriously?!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Crazy Hair Day
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Go Cougs!
They are no respecter of persons - they will take anyone who will give them they time of day, the band, the camera crew, the water boys, the press folks, the parents of players, and even those cute "security" people who "hold the line" after the game to prevent anyone from coming on the field.
The total for this game 36.
Go Cougs!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Village
My village has people who are always checking in on me, who invite me and my crazy crew over to dinner knowing I have had a long day (even though they just had a baby and I should be fixing them dinner), who pull my weeds, who bring by funny books to help me pass the time at night and keep me laughing, who (even though running late themselves) run back into the house to bring Hot Tamales to the movies because they remember that I love them with the movie popcorn.
My village is filled with people who call and schedule fun lunches (and Birthday dinners), who care, who leave incredible Boo baskets on your front door (which just happened to brighten the worst day I have had in a long time!!), who offer to watch the kids so often that I can't refuse, who randomly drop off brownies and cookies, who seem to call at just the right time.
My village is full of people who are constantly taking care of each other, who are thoughtful, who I know I can count on and who I wouldn't want to live without!!
I feel VERY grateful for you ( you know who you are)!!
The Art of Weeny Roasting
Not an art you say - anyone who has had a warm on the outside, cold in the middle, ash coated dog may disagree. Last night we joined the fam at Grandpas Ranch for a little Harvest Party, which included fun like picking pumpkins, digging for carrots and potatoes, a little lesson on the law of the harvest and none other than roasting dogs for dinner (which prompted the thoughts on the art of the weeny roast).
Now I think it all begins with choosing the right roasting tool. You have to get just the right length stick- long enough that you don't singe the eyebrows or burn the face while turning the dog and short enough that you maintain control during turning (as to avoid a dip in the oh so tasty ash).
Next comes placement. You have to find the sweet spot in the fire - you know the one - where the coals are nice and hot and there is enough space to get the whole dog in, so you don't cook just the end (makes for a cold last half of dinner).
Then comes the "Turn". I find that continual turnage is best, but killer on the wrist. Resting for no longer than 5-8 seconds in any one position works well too.
When the dog has reached just the right shade of brown, you will know that you have achieved roasting perfection!! Congratulations!!
A few Pictures of the Harvest Party:
Who knew that carrots actually look like this- I thought they only came in baby carrot size!!
A Little FHE on the Law of the Harvest
The Crew
Friday, September 26, 2008
After climbing into the back of the car via the front seat - leaving the front passenger door WIDE open:
Mom: "Hey Crazy 3, can you shut the door?"
Crazy 3: "Leave it open. "
Mom: "How are we going to go like that?"
Crazy 3: "Fly."
Mom: "Fly?"
Crazy 3: (Completely serious) "Yeah - open your door and use the wings."
I'll give him points for creativity!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. An easy smile
2. Snow ski - I mean really ski!!
3. A love for the outdoors
4. GREAT sense of humor (that I get)
5. Good listener
7. Chris Dayton
7 of my Favorite Foods
1. My Mom's spaghetti sauce
2. Chips and Salsa ( particularly Chili's chips and salsa)
3. A good Cesar salad
4. Nachos at a Football/Baseball Game (yes- they are not as good unless you are at a game)
5. Olive garden Alfredo anything
6. Fresh rolls and Bear Lake Raspberry Jam
7. Popcorn - normal, kettle, and carmel
7 Things I can not do
1. Dance
2. Keep Rhythm - a small hurdle for my ambitions to play guitar
3. Ride a Unicycle
4. Fold my tongue in that four leaf clover thing
5. Keep Freddy's shirt clean for longer than 2 hours (that has been my record so far)
6. Keep up on the dusting - I am embracing it now that it is Halloween and treating it as part of the decorations for our spooky night.
7. Finish the Earthquake at Swensen's Ice Cream
7 Celebrity's I admire
1. Can't think of one - not one - is that sad - I am taking suggestions. I used to think Lance Armstrong, and although he is pretty rockin' there is that whole bit about him having an affair with his publicist and leaving his adorably sweet and supportive wife. If that turns out to be a total rumor- I would have to consider him.
7 Things I say most often
1. Seriously? as in- Did you seriously just through all the toilet paper in the bath tub on your little sister?
2. Wo
3. Ya
4. Can you hear me now?
5. Hows it goin?
6. You know how much I love you?
7. Lets call Daddy
7 Things I can do
1. Bake Good Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Turn my feet backwards (although this was more impressive in high school when I was a titch more flexible.)
3. Snowboard
4. Make a killer Hot Chocolate concoction at 7-Eleven
5. Say that I have been to Petra - you know that city carved out of stone in Indiana Jones.
6. Lay on the beach for hours and hours
7. Be a loyal friend
7 Things that I plan to do before I die
1. Go Parasailing - don't tell me you aren't a little curious when you see those guys out there in the morning.
2. Run the Spudman Triathalon - why the Spudman you ask -because the swim is all down stream!!
3. Take Chris back to Ireland
4. Spoil my grand kids
5. Learn to play the guitar- even if it kills me
6. Go on a mission
7. Get my Sonography/Nursing Degree - I am still a bit undecided
I think I will tag Harlene, Becky, and Barb. I totally understand if that is not the way you roll - but I would still love to hear what you ladies have to say!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I had been doing the traditional clapping and getting excited each time she made it and the third time, after she finished she looks at me and says,"don't- don't hug me mom". Could it be that my enthusiasm about the subject is not so appreciated? Come on, what two year old wouldn't be thrilled at the prospect of having to buy diapers for just one instead of two?!
(I just blogged about potty training -sorry, things aren't lookin' good for my career as a blogger:)
Crazy#2: "Mom, Tyler and Nicole in my class are in love. He sits at the red table and she sits at the yellow table. They switched papers so they are in love."
Mom: "No way- are you in love with anyone?" (enquiring minds want to know)
Crazy #2: "No way!!"
Crazy #3: "Ust kissss um, Weed" (translation - Just Kiss Them Reed- We are going to have to watch out for that one:)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Everybody Dance Now
I have absolutely no rhythm- and I am not just saying that - I really don't. Once I came to realize that I am rhythmically challenged- much of my childhood was explained (why I had to revert to the step touch during every high school dance). But that is the great thing about kids - they don't care - not even a little bit. As a matter of fact, the stranger the move the better.
Finally surrounded by people who can truly appreciate my talents - I let it roll. It is so fun and usually leaves me with sore cheeks from laughing so hard. Crazy #3 added some never before seen moves to his repitoire tonight, leaving me in stitches. So, my suggestion for the day, let loose and cut a rug when nobody is watching and just see if you can stop smiling.
PS - the High School Musical Songs are really catchy!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Kitchen Help
.......................... or the floor?
I know I may be crazy - but that is the name of the game right?! I really do love having my kids in the kitchen, it brings a whole new level of excitement to cooking. I love to watch them try to crack eggs and be thrilled to dump the flour in and be the one to turn on the mixer. I am a very visual cook (Chris has called it messy), I just like to see everything I am working with. So adding a little more chaos to the mix just makes me happy. When the kitchen is messy - it means we are eatin' good. And that is how I bribe the Mister to help with the clean up:)
As we are cruising down the bike isle in Target, we pass the rollerblades (whatever happened to those anyway - they were all the rage when I was a youngin' - are they not cool anymore?)
Crazy #3 says:
"Mom look at these cool skateboard boots!"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Beckstrand Moment
As we arrived at church that day, I had shared with my hubby the fact that I would be leaving after the first meeting with Crazy 4 because he didn't seem to be feeling well. Well, after about half an hour of wrestling, an older Crazy turned to me and said," I don't feel well, I think I need to go home-I am going to go to the bathroom." Thinking this was all a clever ploy to get in on the early ride home - I sent her to the bathroom and told her we would talk about it at the end of the meeting. A minute later, as the action on the bench was really starting to get out of hand, I decided to take Crazy 4 and make my exit.
About halfway to the doors of the Chapel (mind you we were at the front) I noticed something nasty on the floor - a trail of it actually, leading all the way to the doors of the Chapel. When a friend looked at me and whispered "Is she OK?" It dawned on me that the older Crazy really wasn't feeling well and that it was her lunch that was now strewn along the carpet of the chapel.
As I quickly exited the chapel, I looked up to see the trail continue all the way down the hall to the doors of the bathroom. It was then that it hit me that I was having a Beckstrand moment, and I had to smile -knowing that I was in good company!!
A Whole New World
Crazy 2: "Mom, have you ever been to Hawaii?"
Crazy Mama: " Ya- I went with your Dad on our honeymoon."
Crazy 2: "What is a honeymoon?"
Crazy Mama: (wondering what I have gotten myself into) "Its a vacation you take after you get married." (praying this will satisfy)
Crazy 2: "Oh, maybe I will go to Hawaii on my honeymoon!"
Crazy Mama: "That would be fun" (throwing up prayers of thanks for seeming avoiding that one)
Crazy 2:" No, you know what - I am going to go to Boondocks - ya that will be awesome!"